Vacation Home Rentals

If you rent a home to others, you usually must report the rental income on your tax return. But you may not have to report the income if the rental period is short and you also use the property as your home. In most cases, you can deduct the costs of renting your property. However,…

Tips on Travel While Giving to Charity

Do you plan to donate your services to charity this summer? Will you travel as part of the service? If so, some travel expenses may help lower your taxes when you file your tax return next year. Here are five tax tips you should know if you travel while giving your services to charity.

A Summer Adjustment Can Prevent a Tax-Time Surprise

When it comes to filing a federal tax return, many people discover that they either get a larger refund or owe more tax than they expected. But this type of tax surprise doesn’t have to happen to you. One way to prevent it is to change the amount of tax withheld from your wages. You…

Get Credit for Child and Dependent Care This Summer

Many parents pay for childcare or day camps in the summer while they work. If this applies to you, your costs may qualify for a federal tax credit that can lower your taxes. Here are 10 facts that you should know about the Child and Dependent Care Credit:

Avoid Summertime Tax Scams

Ah, summertime! Warm days, rest and recreation and…tax scams. Thieves don’t stop victimizing unsuspecting taxpayers with their scams after April 15. Identity theft, phone and phishing scams happen year-round. Those three top the IRS’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ list of tax scams this year. Here’s some important information you should know about these common tax scams:

Five Tips to Help You Pay Your Tax Bill

If you get a tax bill from the IRS, don’t ignore it. A delay may cost you more in the long run. The longer you wait the more interest and penalties you may have to pay. Here are five tips to help you avoid those extra charges:

Keep Your Records Safe in Case Disaster Strikes

Some natural disasters are more common in the summer. But major events like hurricanes, tornadoes and fires can strike any time. It’s a good idea to plan for what to do in case of a disaster. You can help make your recovery easier by keeping your tax and financial records safe. Here are some basic…

Interest Rates Remain the Same for the Third Quarter of 2014

The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates will remain the same for the calendar quarter beginning July 1, 2014.  The rates will be:  

Inherited IRAs Not Excluded From Bankruptcy Estate – Supreme Court Clark v. Rameker (Sup Ct. 6/12/14) 113AFTR 2d 2014-889

When and individual files for bankruptcy, they may exempt particular categories of assets from the bankruptcy estate.  One such category includes certain retirement funds.  The question presented is whether funds contained in an inherited individual retirement account (IRA) qualify as retirement funds within the meaning of this bankruptcy exemption.  The Supreme Court holds that they…

Final Circular 230 Regulations Eliminate Covered Opinion Rule Among Other Changes

IRS has issued final Regs that make various changes to Circular 230, the rules on practice before IRS.  The most significant items in the final Regs are the elimination of complex rules governing “covered opinions” and expansion of the requirements for written advice.