Eight Facts About Penalties For Filing And Paying Late

April 15 is the tax day deadline for most people. If you’re due a refund there’s no penalty if you file a late tax return. But if you owe taxes and you fail to file and pay on time, you’ll usually owe interest and penalties on the taxes you pay late. Here are eight facts…

Four Tips If You Can’t Pay Your Taxes On Time

If you find you owe more than you can pay with your tax return, don’t panic. Make sure to file on time. That way you won’t have a penalty for filing late. Here is what to do if you can’t pay all your taxes by the due date.

Top Tips on Making IRA Contributions

If you made IRA contributions or you’re thinking of making them, you may have questions about IRAs and your taxes. Here are some important tips from the IRS about saving for retirement using an IRA.

Four Things to Know about Net Investment Income Tax

Starting in 2013, some taxpayers may be subject to the Net Investment Income Tax. You may owe this tax if you have income from investments and your income for the year is more than certain limits. Here are four things from the IRS that you should know about this tax:

Tips on Deducting Charitable Contributions

If you are looking for a tax deduction, giving to charity can be a ‘win-win’ situation. It’s good for them and good for you. Here are eight things you should know about deducting your gifts to charity:

The Individual Shared Responsibility Payment

Starting January 2014, you and your family must either have health insurance coverage throughout the year, qualify for an exemption from coverage, or make a payment when you file your 2014 federal income tax return in 2015. Many people already have qualifying health insurance coverage and do not need to do anything more than maintain…

Don’t Overlook the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit

Many people pay for the care of their child or other dependent while they’re at work. The Child and Dependent Care Credit can reduce that cost. Here are 10 facts from the IRS about this important tax credit:

Tax Rules for Children with Investment Income

You normally must pay income tax on your investment income. That is also true for a child who must file a federal tax return. If a child can’t file his or her own return, their parent or guardian is normally responsible for filing their tax return.

2014 Refunds Ahead of Last Year

By the end of February, more than 48 million tax refunds had been issued the IRS today announced – an increase of 5.6 percent compared to the same time last year. As of Feb. 28, the average refund this year is $3,034, up 3 percent compared to the average refund amount for the same time…

IRS Releases The “Dirty Dozen” Tax Scams for 2014; Identiry Theft, Phone Scams Lead List

The Internal Revenue Service today issued its annual “Dirty Dozen” list of tax scams, reminding taxpayers to use caution during tax season to protect themselves against a wide range of schemes ranging from identity theft to return preparer fraud.