Serving the individual clients for over 90 years has allowed us to develop an in-depth understanding of various tax issues in life changes facing the clients. It is this understanding and the reputation that position Peter Shannon & Co. to deliver results to our individual clients.

Peter Shannon & Co. offers a wide variety of advisory services that address your needs as you transition through life.
We provide income tax preparation along with retirement planning, gifting and wealth planning assistance to many individuals, including young, working couples; individuals in mid-life building their careers; and retired couples focused on gifting and estate planning. Many but not all of these individuals are the owners or former owners of businesses, which also rely on Peter Shannon & Co.‘s solutions for success.
Accounting Services
- Preparation of financial statements
Tax Services
- Income tax return preparation & e-file
- Trust return preparation & e-file
- Household-help payroll tax return preparation
Consulting Services
- Income tax planning
- Education expense planning
- Retirement planning
- Gift planning
- Estate planning