How to treat your business website costs for tax purposes

How to treat your business website costs for tax purposes

  These days, most businesses need a website to remain competitive. It’s an easy decision to set one up and maintain it. But determining the proper tax treatment for the costs involved in developing a website isn’t so easy. That’s because the IRS hasn’t released any official guidance on these costs yet. Consequently, you must…

2019 Q4 tax calendar: Key deadlines for businesses and other employers

2019 Q4 tax calendar: Key deadlines for businesses and other employers

  Here are some of the key tax-related deadlines affecting businesses and other employers during the fourth quarter of 2019. Keep in mind that this list isn’t all-inclusive, so there may be additional deadlines that apply to you. Contact us to ensure you’re meeting all applicable deadlines and to learn more about the filing requirements.

Expenses that teachers can and can’t deduct on their tax returns

Expenses that teachers can and can’t deduct on their tax returns

  As teachers head back for a new school year, they often pay for various expenses for which they don’t receive reimbursement. Fortunately, they may be able to deduct them on their tax returns. However, there are limits on this special deduction, and some expenses can’t be written off. For 2019, qualifying educators can deduct…

It’s a good time to buy business equipment and other depreciable property

It’s a good time to buy business equipment and other depreciable property

  There’s good news about the Section 179 depreciation deduction for business property. The election has long provided a tax windfall to businesses, enabling them to claim immediate deductions for qualified assets, instead of taking depreciation deductions over time. And it was increased and expanded by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Even better,…