2022 Tax Considerations

Please click the heading below to jump to the section you like to read! Individual Income Tax Provisions Education Trust and Estate Income Tax Estate, Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Taxes Pension and IRA Provisions Business Provisions Sole Proprietorships, S Corporations & Partnerships Tax Changes Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Illinois Makes Changes in 2021 Affecting…

You may be liable for “nanny tax” for all types of domestic workers

You’ve probably heard of the “nanny tax.” But even if you don’t employ a nanny, it may apply to you. Hiring a house cleaner, gardener or other household employee (who isn’t an independent contractor) may make you liable for federal income and other taxes. You may also have state tax obligations. If you employ a…

What local transportation costs can your business deduct?

You and your small business are likely to incur a variety of local transportation costs each year. There are various tax implications for these expenses. First, what is “local transportation?” It refers to travel in which you aren’t away from your tax home (the city or general area in which your main place of business…

Worried about an IRS audit? Prepare in advance

IRS audit rates are historically low, according to a recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report , but that’s little consolation if your return is among those selected to be examined. Plus, the IRS recently received additional funding in the Inflation Reduction Act to improve customer service, upgrade technology and increase audits of high-income taxpayers. But with proper…